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Plan Information - Applications

How to Apply for Benefits

If you are eligible, your pension is effective the first of the month following the month in which you submit an application, unless you indicate a later pension effective date.  To apply for your pension, you must request an application from the Local Union Office nearest to you or from the Fund Office.  The form, with instructions for completing it, will be provided.   It is a good idea to send in the application and any other documents needed (such as proof of age and marriage) to the Fund Office at least 60 days before you plan to retire so your pension application can be processed before your Pension Effective Date

If you do not send your application and supporting documentation to the Fund Office at least 60 days before the date you plan to retire, you may not receive a written explanation of the various payment options under the Plan until after your Pension Effective Date.  In that case you will be permitted to either

  • Keep your original Pension Effective Date (now called a Retroactive Pension Effective Date) and receive make-up payments (and interest) for benefits that were missed during the period of delay; or
  • Elect a date that falls sometime after you receive the written explanation and have your pension calculated under the Plan rules in effect on that date.  In some instances, such as in the case of an Early Retirement Pension, your monthly benefit will be larger as you will be older on that later date.

If you become totally and permanently disabled on or after January 1, 1997 and are eligible for a disability pension from this Plan and you make proper application for such pension, your disability pension benefits will begin with the sixth full month of total and permanent disability.  Please note that in accordance with the Rehabilitation Plan, the Disability Pension is discontinued as of January 1, 2011 and is not available to any Participant who becomes totally and permanently disabled on or after that date.

Application for the 36-Payment Pre-Retirement Death Benefit must be made within 120 days following the date of the participant’s death.  Please note that in accordance with the Rehabilitation Plan, this benefit is discontinued in the event of your death on or after January 1, 2011.